Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Barbecue" Is A Noun

One of the many annoyances I have with northerners is their licentious use of the word "barbecue". When you cook something on the grill, you are not barbecuing are grilling it. Barbecue is what you get after you cook pork for many hours over low heat. In other words, "barbecue" is a noun, NOT a verb. If you disagree with that, take your tofu-eating ass back to Michigan.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Great Moments In Jackassery: The Gym

The word "jackassery" may have been coined at some point in our history, but Id' like to think of myself as the genius who came up with it, or at least responsible for its revision. There are many, many elements of jackassery in everyday life, and I'd like to use this forum to point out some of these examples.

Today, I'd like to focus on jackassery at the gym. You've seen, or rather, heard, these guys - the weightlifter who feels the need to grunt rather loudly with every rep./exhale There's nothing more distracting than hearing an "UNGGHH!!" and/or a heavy inhale of air every 5 seconds while you're concentrating on your own workout. I keep looking up, expecting to see either porn or a women's tennis match on the corner TV. I know what you're thinking - "why don't you listen to your iPod to drown out the grunting?" Well, why should I have to do that? These jackasses should take their fellow man into consideration before trying out their best Peter North impression. And to make matters worse, these are the same jackasses who like to lift an inordinate amount of weight while checking themselves out in the mirror.

So chew on that for awhile til next time. Peace out bitches.