This week Stephen King is releasing his new book, called
Cell. King's latest is based on his own fantasy (as well as mine) about the best thing that can happen to the incessant, mindless yakkers that are better known as cell phone users. On any given day, anyone who is talking on a cellphone becomes a victim of "The Pulse," a worldwide act of terrorism turns cellphone users into zombie-like, bloodthirsty "phone-crazies."
I say AMEN to this premise. I could go on all day about what pisses me off about cell phone users, but the one thing that stands out above all others is the annoyingly deafening volume at which countless squawkers feel is necessary in order for their dipshit counterpart on the other end to hear them. This is especially true in airports, where for some reason people feel the need to equal the dB level of the very planes that they're about to board. Hey emcee, do us all a favor and try using a normal speaking voice just one time while you're on your cell phone. I GUARANTEE you that the person on the other end can and will hear you. Thanks and fuck you very much.