Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Involuntary Human Cerebral Jukebox

Last week I heard the song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter for the first time. Naturally, my initial reaction was that it was typical pop faggotry. But it's really not that bad of a song. The problem is that now I can't get the goddamn thing out of my head, especially since it's played ALL the time EVERYWHERE. Other songs in recent years- "Hey Ya" by Outkast and "Breathless" by The Coors come to mind- have been overplayed to the point of inducing nausea. We end up getting inundated with sound bites from the broadcast media whose only concern is to pound the collecitve ass of the public with the lowest common denominator of entertainment. And guess what? The public keeps eating it up. This is why a piece of crap like American Idol, which is basically glorified karaoke singing, is so successful. Americans are, for the most part, shallow and stupid. Word.

1 comment:

... said...

Yeah, I hate that song. Not as much as I hate James Blunt's 'Beautiful'. But still.