Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Men Are From Mars, Women Return Things

I had a brain lapse a couple of weeks ago and purchased a steering wheel cover in order to fight the summer heat. I must've momentarily thought I was Mexican - this thing was as cheesy as you could imagine. A couple of days later, I came to my senses and returned the item. That was an extremely rare occurrence. When I shop for clothes or anything else, I have a simple rule of thumb. I buy things that I want and don't buy things that I don't want. Unless it's something that doesn't fit, I almost never return anything.

Which brings me to yet another thing about women that I just don't understand. Women tend to return items rather frequently because they decide that they simply don't like the item that was purchased just days or even hours before. Why is this? How is it that you like something one day and not like it the next? Guys see something they like and buy it. End of story. Women, on the other hand, return items with the frequency of a small hand radio (thanks Dan Aykroyd). Oh how fickle you gals are. And oh how we cannot live without you, dammit.


Anonymous said...

Well, you are correct about this particular femaile fact. I can explain it in one sentence. Men buy out of necessity...you need a new white shirt you go and buy it...end of story. Women buy out of wants,needs, and desires. Basically emotion determines 99%our entire world. We like it we buy it...depending on our mood at the time of purchase...there is a good chance it will go back!

... said...

Dude, should've gotten a picture of this steering wheel cover. Was it like lined with faux fur or something?

I have to say I'm the opposite. The guy I'm with returns stuff all the time and I find it annoying. He returned a printer this week 'just because' even though it worked perfectly. Psh.

Anonymous said...


Elisa M said...

Really, Mexican?! Come on, haven't you seen a good ole' boy with a camo steering wheel cover?