Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Penises, Butts and Poop

My cousin recently gave birth to her third boy. Having grown up the oldest of three boys and seen the effect it's had on my mother, I personally think anyone who has two boys and would risk having a third is a fucking idiot. But I digress.

Anyway, I went to visit the birth suite and as the middle child (Miles) was holding his newborn brother in his lap, the following dialogue ensued:

Miles: "Mommy, does he have a penis?"

Mommy: "Yes Miles."

Miles: "Mommy, does he have a butt?"

Mommy: "Yes Miles, just like you."

Ten seconds of silence.

Miles: "Mommy, does he poop?"

Mommy: "Yes Miles."

Me: Laughing my ass off.

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