Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Barbecue" Is A Noun

One of the many annoyances I have with northerners is their licentious use of the word "barbecue". When you cook something on the grill, you are not barbecuing are grilling it. Barbecue is what you get after you cook pork for many hours over low heat. In other words, "barbecue" is a noun, NOT a verb. If you disagree with that, take your tofu-eating ass back to Michigan.


Kimberly Powers said...

Love it! When I lived in California everybody kept talking about barbecuing this and that. I kept imagining all of these things with BBQ sauce on it and it totally grossed me out. Turns out they were just talking about grilling it! I'm totally with you on this point! Mmm, and I could use some good ol' Southern BBQ right now!

Stephanie said...

I argued this point with someone at work just last week. And, as usual, I won.

Nice use of "licentious." Thesaurus?

Fox 5280 said...
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