Remember when we didn't seem to care about jackshit? Smoking was commonplace and even expected- you could even smoke at your desk at work. Car seats for children were basically optional. Kids would pretty much be allowed to ride anywhere in a car- the "hump" in the backseat, on their parent's lap; Hell, I used to lay down on the dash in the back window of my dad's car and we'd practically hang out of the back of my mom's station wagon. I guess she figured the further away from her the better (I can't say that I blame her).
My mom thought she was being a responsible parent by prohibiting us from drinking soft drinks while at the same time allowing us to consume a gallon of Kool-Aid every day. Have you ever made Kool-Aid? You have to add an entire cup of sugar to the flavored powder in each two-quart pitcher (my favorite was Rainbow Punch). And bicycle helmets? I think not. After all, Evil Knievel was our role model. We would construct the most dangerous ramps you could imagine out of old doors and rickety boards with rusted nails sticking out of them. It's a miracle none of us were killed or mamed.
And speaking of killed, wanna know how me and my cousins learned how to swim? When we turned four, my grandfather would dangle us (while we kicked and screamed) from the diving board over the deep end of his pool and then toss us in. It was sink or swim, baby. Kids are coddled these days. Pussies.
1 comment:
Sink or swim that's how I learned too. :)
Have you ever had "Church Punch"? It's Koolaide consentrate mixed with sprite or gingerale. Good stuff.:)
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