Alabama fans are about to blow a load over the impending football season set to open in two weeks. At work, on the radio, on the street- everywhere you go people are awash with waves of crimson crazy. It's completely understandable. All you have to do is close your eyes and visualize Dumbose the seal, Fran the fraud, Price the horndog and Shula the deer in headlights. It's been a frustrating roller coaster of a decade in the Bama nation. All we've wanted is some stability and a true leader. And with Nick, it appears that we've found the right guy. Now people need to rattle their brains and dig in for the long haul, because it's gonna take some time. Sure, we may break off a big win or two this year (hopefully over TN and Aub) but Nicky's going to need a couple of years to install his system and instill a winning mindset into the players who are already here. After all, we're talking about guys who are used to playing close for three quarters only to have the rug yanked out from under them in the fourth.
So keep on livin' and keep on dreamin' Tide fans. Go ahead with your dreams of a 600 yards-per-game offense and 10 wins this season. Keep on sleeping with a smile on your face with visions of Nick peeing on you while you rub it in. Go crazy!
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