...I've seen it and it's name is James Blunt. I had never heard of this turdburglar until I saw him on SNL from the other night. Apparently he's the bomb in England right now. I've haven't heard lyrics that bad or a worse vocal delivery in a long time (at least since that Anita Bryant concert). How did this guy get signed or even considered for signing? His voice sounded like a cross between Dave Matthews and Ned Beatty's SQUEEEEEEEEAL. Maybe I'm officially old now but I just don't understand some of the music I'm hearing nowadays. Word.
Screenings: The Fly (1958)
3 years ago
Yeah, I saw him do a few tracks on some tv show and wasn't feeling anything. Usually I like that whole brit-pop/rock thing, but talk about bland...
I think he's hot. Maybe you should try that angle after a makeover....
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