Hell is where I live. It's also known as Hoover, the city in which I've lived for almost 7 years. This is a city whose government has continually raped its own land for the past 30 years in order to build endless commercial and residential developments in order to draw shoppers and residents to their area. In the process, the city has grown exponentially into a wasteland of excess. The largest mall in the state, The Riverchase Galleria, is located there and I just happen to live next to it. Galleria traffic has always been problematic during the holidays and this year has been by far the worst.
The city attempeted to alleviate the congestion problems several years ago by constructing a flyover off the main interstate with its own exit to the mall. The first Christmas after it was completed was actually quite calm in terms of traffic flow. I guess they decided that was entirely too efficient, so they built an outdoor shopping center right next to the Galleria called Patton Creek. And now they've screwed themselves and everyone else who has to drive near this mess on a daily basis. It is an absolute traffic nightmare. And it keeps getting worse with current and future developments as far as the eye can see down Highway 150. Serenity now! Calgon take me away!
Sounds like DC. Hon, it's everywhere. I swear it's concrete from Maine to Florida. 95 is a mess. Getting anywhere by car is becoming impossible. I used to like to cruise around town, but these days you don't cruise so much as just fuckin' sit, suckin' on your neighbors exhaust fumes for hours. Now, I just walk when I can, and METRO is a blessing.
Why don't you quit bitching and move.
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