Have you ever had one of these overzealous servers who feels it necessary to refill your damn glass every 45 seconds? Hey chief- I'll need a refill when it's gone, not after I've taken three sips. It takes painstaking detail to get just the right mixture of sweetner and/or lemon juice in a glass of tea or water. Don't these idiots realize that they're upsetting this delicate flavor balance with every pour? Go make yourself useful and mop the floor or re-adjust your flair buttons. Come on folks, use your heads!
ONLY someone as lame as U would complain about good service from from poor strugling IHOP waitress. go ahead and get some PROZAC mr C.
Hey, I've waitressed a lot in the past, and that's what they're told to do. Believe me, waitresses do NOT want to keep refilling your glass, they'd rather be putting their tired, swollen feet up somewhere at a better-paying job like the one YOU have.
So stop whining and when you see the waitress coming with the big pitcher in hand, just hold your hand lightly over the top of the glass, OR keep it to the side of the table where it's harder for her to reach, so she can't *surprise* you and refill it before you can stop her.
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