Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Am I Missing Something?

In case you haven't watched a television in the last couple of years, poker has exploded into one of the most popular sources of tv entertainment. And I have no idea why. Dorky men with small penises have been playing poker since the days of the old west. So why all of a sudden is it so goddamn popular? And what's with these goons who wear shades while they're playing (see picture)? And why do these same idiots insist that poker is a "sport"? It's no more a sport than crossword puzzles or hangman. It's just a friggin' game that requires skills and smarts. I don't care how much dough some of these guys are winning- they need to get lives.

1 comment:

... said...

I love-love-love playing poker, and occasionally watch a game on cable if there's nothing else on. I don't think it's a sport though. And only the chicks can pull off playing the game with shades on....when it's overweight middle-aged men....not so hot.