Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'll Have What He's Having

First of all, Governor Spitzer is a f**king idiot. We all make conscious choices in our lives, knowing that there are going to be consequences for ourselves as well as the other people in and around our lives. And it appears that this man made a series of stupid, selfish decisions.

That being said, I'm curious about one thing - and it's not about what this girl or any of the other girls that Spitzer propositioned actually look like. I have a pretty good idea of what a "classy" skank looks like. Just pick up a Playboy magazine or watch Passion Cove on Skinemax and you'll get an idea of what we're talking about here. No, I want to know just what exactly one gets for 4500 bucks (or whatever the amount was - I've seen conflicting reports). What could possibly be done to the male unit that's worth that much money? Me and my little buddy have had some good times and I have quite a vivid imagination, but I just can't seem to visualize what activity it is that would warrant a payment in the thousands of dollars. Any ideas?

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