Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Hate Blue Cross/Blue Shield

I'm sick of this friggin' company, which bascially owns the state of Alabama (along with God). I mailed a prescription drug claim 11 days ago to a local address and the claim still isn't showing up when I check online. I called the customer disservice number and after sitting on hold for what can only be described as the equivalent of the time it takes to listen to In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly, I finally spoke to a swarmy gent by the name of Patrick. He proceeded to inform me that there's really no way to know whether they received my claim or not and that maybe I should try faxing it. Thanks Patrick. You're A-Number One in my book. Prick.


The Man said...

I plan to make a living suing Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

Anonymous said...

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