This will be the first in series of rants regarding my confusion with the opposite sex- aka "you people". This week: what's with the make-up, specifically eyeliner? Last weekend I performed at a Halloween party with one of my many bands, Three Hour Tour. We decided to dress like rock stars, and I opted for the heroin junkie country star look. I figured a little make-up would enhance my look, so I had the drummer's MILFy wife don me with some eyeliner. As I found out later, that crap WILL NOT come off easily. It's easier to remove stink from s*#t than it is that stuff from your eyelids. I know, I know- make-up remover does the trick better than soap and water. But come on, why do you people put that stuff on your face every day? Is it really worth it?
My eyes rock as is, I got long lashes and they outline is dark already so I don't put any of that crap on myself. Thank goodness.
If you're gonna be a drag queen, get some Baby Oil to remove the stuff from your eyes. Works the easiest.
Too many "Tommy is gay" jokes going on in my head...am about to implode.
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