Monday, November 07, 2005

U-G-L-Y, You ain't got no alibi...

Am I the only one who thinks the Pontiac Aztek is the ugliest vehicle ever produced? Why on earth would anyone purchase this piece of crap? Makes me ashamed to be an American.


Sequoya said...

No you ain't the only one, *yuck*

Vickie said...

What happened to you Pontiac? You used to be cool. Now this. *shakes head*
I don't care 'bout nuthin' no more.

Steve said...

From a cool sixties GTO to this junk, now gone...any wonder why?

One significant change is business management by accountants and financial types instead of car people and engineers.

But then we all know that car people and engineers aren't businessmen, are they? Don't look now, Millie, but these financial titans aren't good at much more than stealing...'till the goose dies.