Friday, March 09, 2007

Just Another Reason To Be Worried About Our Country's Future...

One of the many movies I watched during my recovery last weekend was the new David Fincher film, Zodiac. It was unlike most of his other works such as Seven, Fight Club and Panic Room, in that the intensity was more cerebral and less about attempting to shock or scare the audience. Zodiac reminded me very much of Oliver Stone's JFK by accumulating many facts, speculation and characters to create a fascinating canvas of historical theory. Basically, it was a thinking man's serial killer movie.

Which made me all the more saddened the other day when I happened to look up the weekend box office results to find that Wild Hogs earned $39.7 million to beat out Zodiac's $13 million for the top movie of the weekend. Come on America. Wild Hogs?!? Are you friggin' kidding me? Don't get me wrong- I like my fair share of moronic comedies. But has anyone actually watched this trailer and thought they were seeing the next Old School? I just don't see it.


Anonymous said...

I really liked this movie. I liked that it focused more on the investigation, and the trail rather than just simple gore. The minute it was over I thought I'd have to rent it later...

Anonymous said...

You underestimate the awesome drawing power of Tim Allen. ;) Seriously, there are a lot of middle-aged biker dudes that went to see that movie. (I haven't, yet.)