Thursday, January 03, 2008

Bowled Over

The current college football bowl system sucks and I've had enough of it. I'm not even talking about a playoff or any other method of determining a national champion. Or the fact that there are too many goddamn games. I'm talking about the boredom of the traditional New Year's Day bowl games. There was a time before the whole BCS nonsense that there were certain bowls played at certain times on New Years Day. The Gator and Citrus (UT) Bowls kicked things off in the AM; The Cotton Bowl was played mid-day; The Rose and Fiesta Bowls started around 4:00; finally, the Orange and Sugar Bowls were played in the evening. That way, if any one game was shitty you could change the channel to another bowl. The way it is now, not only is there only one game on at a time on New Year's Day, but the rest of the goddamn games are spread out over the course of a week - one game a night. And so far this week, almost every contest has been a (yawn) blowout. The best interests fans have been flushed down the shitter in favor of corporations and suits who think "giving him the business" means kissing a clients ass. Alas, the good old days are gone. Serenity now!

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