Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Case of Griswolditus

Had to check the date on my watch last evening while driving through Homewood on the way to my dad's house. The date? January 29th. The reason? I passed by a house that had a completely illuminated Christmas scene on their front lawn. I'm not talking about white lights wrapped around a tree trunk or a railing. I'm talking full color regalia covering the entire porch and yard, complete with Santa and his reindeer. You could chalk it up to a jaunty disposition or outright laziness, but the fact that the lights were actually lit tells me that these people were trying to make a statement. In their minds, that statement must be, "We frown upon such frivolous boundaries as a calendar and choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus year-round." In my mind, that statement is "Look at us! We're a bunch of lazy f**king morons!"

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