Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Damn You Negotiators!

Like everyone else, the Writer's Guild of America strike is starting to wear on me. I made the switch to DVR a few years ago and it's been a lifesaver ever since. Gone are the days of cursing myself for failing to set my VCR. I have certain shows that I watch on certain nights and it's nice to be able plop my ass on the couch at night and call up my list of recorded shows that I can watch at my own leisure, all while zapping through those pesky commercials. But those days are over for now as each scripted series runs out of episodes. Now all we're left with are re-runs and reality shows, forever reminding us how banal and nondescript these shows have become. However, this woeful "blandscape" of programming has motivated me to find alternatives. Since then, I've re-discovered such gems as The Food Network, The Travel Channel as well as the new TruTV (especially those engaging episodes of "Cops" and "Forensic Files"). But damn if I don't miss my CSI's, House, SVU and 30 Rock. They need to end this shit soon.

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