Sunday, June 15, 2008


What more can I say about Tim Russert that hasn't already been said all over TV the past few days? I've been a huge fan of this man for years, and his passing was extremely shocking and saddening. He knew his shit better than anyone else who ever covered politics. I would always have The Today Show on in the background while I was getting ready for work and would drop whatever it was that I was doing to listen to what he had to say on whatever the subject might have been. On top of his knowledge and dedication, he was a decent guy who was truly genuine. He will be sorely missed and never replaced. R.I.P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He certainly was the real deal. AUTHENTIC! A smart, clever, witty, teddy bear of a guy. Almost, the last of a dying breed. Sadly, I'm gonna miss him too! :( H