Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Yesterday, the collective media of Alabama exploded with orgasmic pleasure over Kenny Stabler's latest DUI (his third). Like sharks in the ocean, the local and state media go into a feeding frenzy anytime one of their own celebrities has a brush with Johnny Law. Everyone has their own opinion about what should happen to Stabler and I'm no exception.

First of all, I must admit that I've always loved Snake, and not just his on-field exploits. Like many others, I've always snickered at the many stories that are out there about this fun-loving ex-QB. In fact, I had my own run-in with him about ten years ago at The Blue Monkey Bar here in the 'ham. He had just taken over the color analyst job for Bama football games and I ran into him leaning against the wall, drinking by himself. I approached him, shook his hand and complemented him on the job he was doing on the radio broadcasts. He was very nice and appreciative. Later, as I was leaving, I watched him half stumbling/half being carried up the alley by a couple of his associates and slung into the backseat of an awaiting car. Part of me giggled to myself but another part of me thought about how sad it was to witness.

Stabler needs to be let go from his position with The Alabama Sports Network, or at least be allowed to resign to save face. It's just not funny anymore. He's been caught drinking and driving three times since 1995 but there's no telling how many times he drove drunk and wasn't caught or arrested. He's damn lucky that he hasn't killed anyone. That being said, I'd be lying if I claimed to have never operated a motor vehicle while under the influence - I have and I'm not proud of it. But I also haven't made a name for myself by being the affable town drunk like Stabler has. He obviously has a problem and I hope he does something about it this time and gets some help like one of my other Bama QB heroes, Joe Namath.

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