Sadly, I found out today that The Booth, a Tuscaloosa landmark of 25 years, will be closing its doors in a few months. The Booth's owner said he was notified Thursday that the building had been sold and that he had until the end of November to vacate. Although a university spokesbitch denied the claim, it's rumored that the U of A is purchasing the building in their continuing plan of "cleaning up" The Strip.
I'm reminded of a story that I heard for the 100th time last night, and each time it gets better. My old band, The Inlaws (from which the photo you see of me in the top right corner was taken), were playing one night many years ago. There were some sorostitutes mingling outside debating amongst themselves whether or not to fork over the outrageous $2 cover charge. As we finished a song and my compatriot, M.P. Nelson, hovered over the doorway from stageright, he noticed these brainiacs outside.
"HEY! You goddamn carpetbaggers need to either come on in or take it up the street to the fuckin' Hound's Tooth!," he exclaimed over the microphone for all of University Boulevard to hear.
Needless to say, the girls stared at him in horror (from either being offeded or horrified-probably both) and walked away in disgust. It was truly a classic moment. I'm going to miss the sights, sounds and smells of that place.
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