1. Women
2. Men who wear pink shirts
3. Men who wear visors anywhere but on a golf course (and even then it's somewhat questionable)
4. Women
5. Being an Auburn fan.
6. Being a Tennessee fan.
7. Reality television
8. Hunting for sport
9. Some men's fascination with those motorcycles with the high-pitched engines that weave past you at 150 mph on the interstate.
10. Women
11. People who enjoy the harmonica. It gets really old after about 5 minutes.
12. Bloody Mary's. I'm sorry- I just think the whole concept is disgusting.
13. People who laugh at loud while watching the Fandango/Movietickets.com commercials in movie theaters.
14. Men who wear madras shorts
15. Why/how it is possible for me take a shower, shave, get dressed and be ready to go out in less than 30 minutes but women take forfuckingever to shower, dry their hair, put on 7 different makeup appliances, pick out the right outfit, get dressed, check the makeup again for touch-ups, put on jewelry, etc. (this is a variation of #'s 1,4 and 10)
I like when guys wear pink :P
You're mean!
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